1. All Endurance Team Members (4+people) must be aged 15 or above. Relay Team Members (5-8people) must be 12yrs and above, and at least two members must be 18 yrs or above.
  2. All teams must have a minimum of 4 persons on the track throughout the event. Relay Teams must have at least 1 member who is aged 18 or above on the course at all times.
  3. All team members must stay together between checkpoints and must register in and out together at each checkpoint. Checkpoint marshals will only check-in complete teams where all team members are accounted for. Split teams will be disqualified.
  4. All compulsory items, as listed in event handbook, must be carried. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.
  5. No substitutions of team members are permitted once the event has started.
  6. Teams must have a Support Crew and must be self-sufficient. The Support Crew is responsible for providing teams with the majority of their food, water, change of clothes etc during the event. Please ensure your Support Crew is suitably advised. The event website has an information guide for Support Crews.
  7. Teams are not permitted to meet with Support Crews at any location along the trail except at designated checkpoints.
  8. Each team is responsible for the behaviour of its Support Crew. Any Support Crew or team member found to be breaching any landowner’s regulations may lead to the team’s disqualification from the event.
  9. An ‘event identification tag’ will be provided and must be worn at all times.
  10. Any team member who is injured must be brought to the nearest checkpoint by team mates for assistance (if they are able to be moved).
  11. Individuals not capable of getting to next checkpoint are not to be left unaccompanied. Should a team member be seriously injured and unable to be moved, 1 person must stay with that person while others go for help, or until help arrives.
  12. If you wish to withdraw during the event, you must first report to the nearest checkpoint. Remaining team members cannot continue until this has been done.
  13. If less than 4 members remain in a team due to participant withdrawal, the remaining members must accompany another team between checkpoints. This is to ensure that all event participants travel in groups of at least 4 people for safety reasons. This does not mean that team members join the other team – each team will retain their identity.
  14. The course will be open from 6.30am until 5.30pm, and checkpoint cut-offs will apply. These cut-off times are non-negotiable. Walking at night is not permitted under our Parks permit.
  15. Slower teams must give way to teams travelling at a faster pace.
  16. All litter must be either taken with you or disposed of in bins at checkpoints. This includes toilet paper. Portaloos are provided at checkpoints, where possible.
  17. As the walk goes through the National Park, domestic pets are not permitted on the course. All rules pertaining to National Parks apply.
  18. Any team or walker who ignores road crossing instructions from event marshals risks disqualification.
  19. The fastest endurance team will be awarded the Blackwell perpetual trophy. In order to qualify  a minimum of 4 members must complete the entire course. Endurance team members must not separate from each other in any leg of the event.
  20. A team’s finishing time will be recorded as the last member of the team reports to Event Officials at the finish.
  21. Each Team Captain will be provided with a Personal Location Beacon (PLB), which will be registered to the team and linked to the Team Captain’s mobile number for the duration of the event. The team will assume all responsibility for any damages or loss of the PLB, including covering all expenses for its repair or replacement.